Top 1067 tim grant PDF Book Page 43

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How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists

Willo Pequegnat (auth.), Willo Pequegnat, Ellen Stover, Cheryl Anne Boyce (eds.)
·400 Pages
·4.899 MB

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Aerodynamic Theory: A General Review of Progress Under a Grant of the Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics

William Frederick Durand (auth.), William Frederick Durand (eds.)
·388 Pages
·17.711 MB

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SERBA SERBI DARI PULAU, Catatan Perjalanan Tim Kampung Riset P3M STAIN Pontianak ke Dusun Besar dan Pelapis Kayong Utara

Rasiam, Ibrahim MS, Wahab, Rustam Abong, Didi Darmadi JA, Eka Wahyudi, Ita Nurcholifah, Jatriana, Erwin Mahrus
·162 Pages
·1.003 MB

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The British Comic Book Invasion: Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Grant Morrison and the Evolution of the American Style

Jochen Ecke; Donald E. Palumbo; C.W. Sullivan III
·282 Pages
·5.449 MB

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