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Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson

Martha Nell Smith (editor), Ellen Louise Hart (editor)
·367 Pages
·18.629 MB

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Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale (Fundamental Theories of Physics)

Richard L. Amoroso, Geoffrey Hunter, Menas Kafatos and Jean-Pierre Vigier
·559 Pages
·9.537 MB

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Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork strikes a New Note

David L. Block (auth.), David L. Block, Ivânio Puerari, Kenneth C. Freeman, Robert Groess, Elizabeth K. Block (eds.)
·889 Pages
·39.31 MB

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Purity, Holiness, and Identity in Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Memory of Susan Haber

Carl S. Ehrlich, Anders Runesson, Eileen Schuller
·324 Pages
·4.69 MB

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The Irish Peasant; Or, The History of Peter Lacy and His Wife Susan

Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
·0.36 MB

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Say and Seal, Volume I by Anna Bartlett Warner and Susan Warner

Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915
·0.42 MB

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Say and Seal, Volume II by Anna Bartlett Warner and Susan Warner

Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915
·0.51 MB

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