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Não há relação sexual: Duas lições sobre "O aturdito" de Lacan

Alain Badiou; Barbara Cassin; Claudia Berliner
·92 Pages
·2.053 MB

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Fundamentos da psicanálise - De Freud a Lacan - Vol. 1 As bases conceituais

Marco Antônio Coutinho Jorge
·114 Pages
·1.635 MB

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Il vuoto e il resto. Il problema del reale in Jacques Lacan

Massimo Recalcati
·130 Pages
·27.706 MB

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A realidade psíquica na Neurose e na Psicose: de Freud a Lacan

Deborah Lima Klajnman
·114 Pages
·2.037 MB

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Macht - Knoten - Fleisch: Topographien des Körpers bei Foucault, Lacan und Merleau-Ponty

Ulrike Kadi, Gerhard Unterthurner
·317 Pages
·4.584 MB

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Il n'y a pas de rapport sexuel. Deux leçons sur « L'Etourdit » de Lacan

Alain Badiou, Barbara Cassin
·139 Pages
·1.6 MB

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Fundamentos da psicanálise de Freud a Lacan - vol. 2: A clínica da fantasia

Marco Antonio Coutinho Jorge; e-libro, Corp
·291 Pages
·3.161 MB

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From Cogito to Covid: Rethinking Lacan’s “Science and Truth” (The Palgrave Lacan Series)

Molly A. Wallace (editor), Concetta V. Principe (editor)
·170 Pages
·1.751 MB

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The Book of Love and Pain: Thinking at the Limit With Freud and Lacan

Juan-David Nasio, David Pettigrew, Francois Raffoul
·152 Pages
·0.862 MB

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