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Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference, ITS 2002 Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June 2–7, 2002 Proceedings

Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (auth.), Stefano A. Cerri, Guy Gouardères, Fà bio Paraguaçu (eds.)
·1045 Pages
·22.799 MB

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El fin del Reich de los mil años : Berlin, mayo de 1945

Peter D. Antill, Peter Dennis
·97 Pages
·25.597 MB

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Höfe und Residenzen im spätmittelalterlichen Reich: Bilder und Begriffe. Teilband 2: Bilder

Werner Paravicini, Jan Hirschbiegel, Jörg Wettlaufer (Hrsg.)
·272 Pages
·85.537 MB

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Inside Hitler's Bunker: The Last Days of the Third Reich. Joachim Fest

Joachim Fest; Margot Bettauer Dembo
·212 Pages
·6.424 MB

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Bonhoeffer : pastor, martyr, prophet, spy : a Righteous Gentile vs. the Third Reich

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; Hitler, Adolf; Hitler, Adolf; Metaxas, Eric; Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
·3.274 MB

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