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The effect of normality and outliers on bivariate correlation coefficients in psychology: A Monte Carlo simulation

Ventura-León, José (author);Peña-Calero, Brian Norman (author);Burga-León, Andrés (author)
·19 Pages
·2.569 MB

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Recent Advances in PDEs: Analysis, Numerics and Control: In Honor of Prof. Fernández-Cara's 60th Birthday

Anna Doubova, Manuel González-Burgos, Francisco Guillén-González, Mercedes Marín Beltrán
·255 Pages
·4.284 MB

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Studies in cultural development of India : collection of essays in honour of Prof. Jagadish Narayan Sarkar

Nisith Ranjan Ray; Jagadish Narayan Sarkar; Phanindranath Chakrabarty
·500 Pages
·81.912 MB

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