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Abhandlungen über jene Grundsätze der Mechanik, die Integrale der Differentialgleichungen liefern von Isaac Newton (1687), Daniel Bernoulli (1745) und (1748) und Patrick d'Arcy (1747)

Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, Patricj d'Arcy, Arthur von Oettingen (transl.), Philip Edward Bertrand Jourdain (ed.)
·111 Pages
·2.564 MB

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Book cover Clinical Equine Oncology, 1e Clinical Equine Oncology, 1e Derek C. Knottenbelt OBE BVM&S DVM&S Dip ECEIM MRCVS, Katie Snalune BSc MA VetMB Cert EM (Int.Med.) Cert ES (Soft Tissue) MRCVS, Janet Patterson Kane BVSc PhD Dip ACVP MRCVS

Book cover Clinical Equine Oncology, 1e Clinical Equine Oncology, 1e Derek C. Knottenbelt OBE BVM&S DVM&S Dip ECEIM MRCVS, Katie Snalune BSc MA VetMB Cert EM (Int.Med.) Cert ES (Soft Tissue) MRCVS, Janet Patterson Kane BVSc PhD Dip ACVP MRCVS
·82.1002 MB

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Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2013 Workshops: CCSA, CSB, PASCEB, SWESE, WESOA, and PhD Symposium, Berlin, Germany, December 2-5, 2013. Revised Selected Papers

Alessio R. Lomuscio, Surya Nepal, Fabio Patrizi, Boualem Benatallah, Ivona Brandić (eds.)
·600 Pages
·29.413 MB

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Orthomolecular Medicine : Niacin Vitamin B3: The Real Story - Remembering Abram Hoffer MD PhD (1917-2009) : Learn about the Wonderful Healing Properties of Niacin

Abram Hoffer M.D. Ph.D., Andrew W. Saul Ph.D., Harold D. Foster, Robert Sealey, Matthias Rath, Linus Pauling
·369 Pages
·32.148 MB

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Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2004 Workshops: EDBT 2004 Workshops PhD, DataX, PIM, P2P&DB, and ClustWeb, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, March 14-18, 2004. Revised Selected Papers

Lukasz Golab (auth.), Wolfgang Lindner, Marco Mesiti, Can Türker, Yannis Tzitzikas, Athena I. Vakali (eds.)
·629 Pages
·15.126 MB

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Current Trends in Database Technology – EDBT 2006: EDBT 2006 Workshops PhD, DataX, IIDB, IIHA, ICSNW, QLQP, PIM, PaRMA, and Reactivity on the Web, Munich, Germany, March 26-31, 2006, Revised Selected Papers

M. H. Ali (auth.), Torsten Grust, Hagen Höpfner, Arantza Illarramendi, Stefan Jablonski, Marco Mesiti, Sascha Müller, Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Kai-Uwe Sattler, Myra Spiliopoulou, Jef Wijsen (eds.)
·960 Pages
·15.479 MB

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