Top 390 ornella greco PDF Book Page 7

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Il daimon in Giamblico e la demonologia greco-romana

Francesca Innocenzi
·157 Pages
·7.046 MB

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The Interpretation of the Old Testament in Greco-Roman Paganism

John Granger Cook
·417 Pages
·11.87 MB

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The Greco-German Affair in the Euro Crisis: Mutual Recognition Lost?

Claudia Sternberg, Kira Gartzou-Katsouyanni, Kalypso Nicolaidis (auth.)
·162 Pages
·2.802 MB

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Flavius Philostratus: On Heroes (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)

the Athenian Philostratus
·273 Pages
·7.88 MB

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La morte nel mondo greco: da Omero all’età classica

Maria Serena Mirto
·128 Pages
·5.689 MB

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Storia romana. Libri LII-LVI. Testo greco a fronte

Cassio Dione, Giovannella Cresci Marrone (editor), Alessandro Stroppa (editor), Francesca Rohr Vio (editor)
·611 Pages
·17.91 MB

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Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet
·228 Pages
·8.173 MB

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Le Commedie. Testo greco a fronte

Aristofane, Benedetto Marzullo (editor)
·0.917 MB

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Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Vincent Wimbush
·545 Pages
·6.207 MB

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Origini e forme del mito greco

Paula Philippson
·256 Pages
·7.249 MB

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Science writing in Greco-Roman antiquity

Taub, Liba Chaia
·209 Pages
·0.768 MB

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L'ultimo platonismo greco. Principi e conoscenza

Alessandro Linguiti
·130 Pages
·4.674 MB

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Il romanzo antico greco e latino

A cura di Quintino Cataudella
·1474 Pages
·34.26 MB

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Le origini dell'alchimia nell'Egitto greco-romano

Jack Lindsay
·460 Pages
·9.608 MB

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La Repubblica. Testo greco a fronte

Platone, G. Reale (editor)
·1404 Pages
·14.475 MB

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Le nuvole. Testo greco a fronte

Aristofane, Alessandro Grilli (editor)
·257 Pages
·6.64 MB

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La fisica. Testo greco a fronte

Aristotele, R. Radice (editor)
·1139 Pages
·29.215 MB

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La verità. Testo greco a fronte

Antifonte, I. Labriola (editor)
·0.766 MB

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