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The Kurdish Question and Turkey: An Example of a Trans-State Ethnic Conflict

Kemal Kirişçi; Gareth M. Winrow
·254 Pages
·48.334 MB

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Mainstreaming Moderasi Islam: Menepis Radikalisme dan Ekstremisme Melalui Trans-internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Maqasid Shari'ah

Dr. Iffatin Nur, S.Ag., M.Ag. & Prof. Dr. A. Hasyim Nawawie, S.H., M.H.I., M.Si.
·400 Pages
·22.1589 MB

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The history of the European Union: origins of a trans- and supranational polity 1950-72

AEuropean Union;European Union;Kaiser, Wolfram;Leucht, Brigitte
·241 Pages
·1.775 MB

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