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Scour and erosion : proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE-5, November 7-10, 2010, San Francisco, CA

Susan E Burns; American Society of Civil Engineers. Geo-Institute.; Environmental and Water Resources Institute (U.S.)
·1152 Pages
·174.589 MB

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Online Communities and Social Computing: Third International Conference, OCSC 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009. Proceedings

Saizo Aoyagi, Hidenori Fujino, Hirotake Ishii, Hiroshi Shimoda, Hiroshi Sakuda (auth.), A. Ant Ozok, Panayiotis Zaphiris (eds.)
·735 Pages
·27.327 MB

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Theory of Cryptography: 6th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 15-17, 2009. Proceedings

Tal Moran, Moni Naor, Gil Segev (auth.), Omer Reingold (eds.)
·624 Pages
·9.476 MB

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Energy-Efficient Data Centers: Second International Workshop, E²DC 2013, Berkeley, CA, USA, May 21, 2013. Revised Selected Papers

Sonja Klingert, Xavier Hesselbach-Serra, Maria Perez Ortega, Giovanni Giuliani (eds.)
·120 Pages
·6.833 MB

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Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 16th International Symposium, PADL 2014, San Diego, CA, USA, January 20-21, 2014. Proceedings

K. C. Sivaramakrishnan, Lukasz Ziarek (auth.), Matthew Flatt, Hai-Feng Guo (eds.)
·245 Pages
·3.363 MB

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Algorithm Engineering and Experiments: 4th International Workshop, ALENEX 2002 San Francisco, CA, USA, January 4–5, 2002 Revised Papers

Marcus Poggi de Aragão, Renato F. Werneck (auth.), David M. Mount, Clifford Stein (eds.)
·214 Pages
·3.563 MB

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Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2007: 27th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 19-23, 2007. Proceedings

Vivien Dubois, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Adi Shamir, Jacques Stern (auth.), Alfred Menezes (eds.)
·642 Pages
·4.351 MB

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SPIN Model Checking and Software Verification: 7th International SPIN Workshop, Stanford, CA, USA, August 30 - September 1, 2000. Proceedings

Dragan Bošnački, Dennis Dams, Leszek Holenderski (auth.), Klaus Havelund, John Penix, Willem Visser (eds.)
·352 Pages
·2.805 MB

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Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 23rd International Conference, IPMI 2013, Asilomar, CA, USA, June 28–July 3, 2013. Proceedings

Chenhui Hu, Lin Cheng, Jorge Sepulcre, Georges El Fakhri, Yue M. Lu, Quanzheng Li (auth.), James C. Gee, Sarang Joshi, Kilian M. Pohl, William M. Wells, Lilla Zöllei (eds.)
·802 Pages
·88.148 MB

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