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Physical and dynamical properties of the main belt triple asteroid (87) Sylvia

Berthier, Jérôme et al.
·51 Pages
·1.3527 MB

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Gutachten des Reichs-Gesundheitsrats, betreffend die Abwässerbeseitigung der Stadt Offenbach a. Main

Professor Dr. K. B. Lehmann, Geheimer Ober-Baurat Dr.-Ing. Keller, Regierungsrat Professor Dr. Spitta (auth.)
·62 Pages
·4.371 MB

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Une Main de Fer: Une Romance M/M Slow Burn (French Edition)

Nora Phoenix [Phoenix, Nora]
·0.4378 MB

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Alloys and Compounds of d-Elements with Main Group Elements. Part 1

G. Zibold (auth.), H.P.J. Wijn (eds.)
·529 Pages
·25.213 MB

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