Top 1200 michel marie phd auth PDF Book Page 44

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Deterministic Abelian Sandpile Models and Patterns [PhD thesis]

Guglielmo Paoletti
·169 Pages
·2.7 MB

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Mastering Your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral Years and Beyond

Dr. Patricia Gosling, Prof. Dr. Bart Noordam (auth.)
·156 Pages
·1.676 MB

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Michel Foucault et l'histoire du sujet en Occident

Franck Evrard
·128 Pages
·18.104 MB

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Reading With Michel Serres: An Encounter With Time

Maria L. Assad
·204 Pages
·13.649 MB

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Memoirs of the Court of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

Jeanne Louise Henriette Campan
·722 Pages
·1.477 MB

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Manet: eine symbolische Revolution: Vorlesungen am Collège de France 1998-2000: mit einem unvollendeten Manuskript von Pierre und Marie-Claire Bourdieu

Bourdieu, Marie-Claire;Bourdieu, Pierre;Casanova, Pascale;Champagne, Patrick;Charle, Christophe;Poupeau, Franck;Rivière, Marie-Christine
·18.394 MB

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Et vogue la galère... Chroniques de Ville-Marie

Josée Mongeau
·344 Pages
·2.292 MB

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