Top 113 marica moda PDF Book Page 5

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Para documentar a história da moda : de James Laver às blogueiras fashion

Fausto Roberto Poço Viana
·288 Pages
·55.2202 MB

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La stoffa dell'Italia. Storia e cultura della moda dal 1945 a oggi

Emanuela Scarpellini
·265 Pages
·2.228 MB

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mODa 9 – Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis held in Bertinoro, Italy, June 14-18, 2010

Prof. Vladimir V. Anisimov (auth.), Alessandra Giovagnoli, Anthony C. Atkinson, Bernard Torsney, Caterina May (eds.)
·263 Pages
·3.422 MB

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