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性命圭旨 : 四卷 Xing ming gui zhi : si juan (4 Volumes incl Preface)

尹真人; Zou, Yuanbiao; Yu, Yongning; Cheng, Yuting; Wu, Zhihe
·186 Pages
·28.215 MB

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About the rhymes in Tangut verses: reanalysis of Tangut rhyming poetry in San shi shu ming yan ji wen

荒川 慎太郎 西夏詩の脚韻に見られる韻母について:『三世属明言集文』所収西夏語詩 Arakawa Shintaro.
·31 Pages
·1.612 MB

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Gustakh Munafiq Aur Syeduna Umar Farooq R.a. Ka Iqdaam,،گستاخ منافق اور سیدنا عمر فاروق کا اقدام

علامہ محمد خلیل الرحمن قادری,allama muhammad khalil ur rehman qadri
·31.1 MB

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Statecraft and intellectual renewal in late Ming China : the cross-cultural synthesis of Xu Guangqi (1562-1633)

Catherine Jami, Peter Engelfriet, Gregory Blue (eds)
·239 Pages
·14.023 MB

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