Top 1200 international symposium on exotic nuclei PDF Book Page 49

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Advances in Energy System Optimization: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization

Valentin Bertsch, Armin Ardone, Michael Suriyah, Wolf Fichtner, Thomas Leibfried, Vincent Heuveline
·179 Pages
·4.568 MB

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Frontiers of Computational Science: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Science 2005

Michael A. Leschziner, Ning Li, Fabrizio Tessicini (auth.), Prof. Yukio Kaneda, Prof. Hiroshi Kawamura, Prof. Masaki Sasai (eds.)
·358 Pages
·20.744 MB

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Advances in Biomedical Infrastructure 2013: Proceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Data Infrastructure (BDI 2013)

Meena Kishore Sakharkar (auth.), Amandeep S. Sidhu, Sarinder K Dhillon (eds.)
·139 Pages
·10.524 MB

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Cellular Biology of Ectoenzymes: Proceedings of the International Erwin-Riesch-Symposium on Ectoenzymes May 1984

M. L. Karnovsky (auth.), Professor Georg W. Kreutzberg, Dr. Martin Reddington, Professor Herbert Zimmermann (eds.)
·312 Pages
·11.646 MB

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Report from the front line : the drug battle in California : hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourt

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Government Reform and Oversight. Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice
·166 Pages
·5.1 MB

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Computational Molecular Dynamics: Challenges, Methods, Ideas: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Algorithms for Macromolecular Modelling, Berlin, May 21–24, 1997

Herman J. C. Berendsen (auth.), Peter Deuflhard, Jan Hermans, Benedict Leimkuhler, Alan E. Mark, Sebastian Reich, Robert D. Skeel (eds.)
·512 Pages
·39.842 MB

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International Cuisine

Michael F. Nenes, Joe Robbins (photographer), The International Culinary Schools at The Art Institutes
·865 Pages
·24.64 MB

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Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: 4th International Symposium, TACS 2001 Sendai, Japan, October 29–31, 2001 Proceedings

Luís Caires, Luca Cardelli (auth.), Naoki Kobayashi, Benjamin C. Pierce (eds.)
·572 Pages
·5.225 MB

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Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006: Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006, Proceedings, Part I

Si Wu, Jianfeng Feng, Shun-ichi Amari (auth.), Jun Wang, Zhang Yi, Jacek M. Zurada, Bao-Liang Lu, Hujun Yin (eds.)
·1506 Pages
·31.114 MB

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Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006: Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006, Proceedings, Part III

Shuyan Chen, Wei Wang (auth.), Jun Wang, Zhang Yi, Jacek M. Zurada, Bao-Liang Lu, Hujun Yin (eds.)
·1428 Pages
·37.497 MB

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Auditory Display: 6th International Symposium, CMMR/ICAD 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18-22, 2009. Revised Papers

Pontus Larsson (auth.), Sølvi Ystad, Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Kristoffer Jensen (eds.)
·504 Pages
·15.705 MB

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Advances in pattern recognition: joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'2000 and SPR 2000, Alicante, Spain, August/September 2000 : proceedings

International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (8th : 2000 : Alicante, Spain)
·918 Pages
·16.2 MB

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Byron: A Symposium

John D. Jump (eds.)
·202 Pages
·16.243 MB

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Mechanics of Composite Materials. Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Naval Structural Mechanics

F. W. Wendt, H. Liebowitz and N. Perrone (Eds.)
·858 Pages
·23.356 MB

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IUTAM Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Cambridge, U.K., 15–17 July 1996

N. A. Fleck, B. Storåkers, R. M. McMeeking (auth.), A. C. F. Cocks (eds.)
·459 Pages
·31.9 MB

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National Brands and Private Labels in Retailing: First International Symposium NB&PL, Barcelona, June 2014

Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Francisco J. Martínez-López, Irene Esteban-Millat, Juan Antonio Mondéjar-Jiménez (eds.)
·190 Pages
·3.129 MB

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