Top 1200 ifcis international conference on cooperative information systems 7th 2000 eilat PDF Book Page 45

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Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, program.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference.
·2.9 MB

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Context interchange : representing and reasoning about data semantics in heterogeneous systems

Sloan School of Management. Composite Information Systems Laboratory
·58 Pages
·3.1 MB

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Corporate Accounting Information Systems

Tony Boczko
·955 Pages
·11.13 MB

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Bioinspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems: 4th International Conference, BIONETICS 2009, Avignon, France, December 9-11, 2009, Revised Selected Papers

Ricardo Buettner (auth.), Eitan Altman, Iacopo Carrera, Rachid El-Azouzi, Emma Hart, Yezekael Hayel (eds.)
·214 Pages
·5.563 MB

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Active and Programmable Networks: IFIP TC6 7th International Working Conference, IWAN 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France, November 21-23, 2005. Revised Papers

Elisa Boschi, Matthias Bossardt, Thomas Dübendorfer (auth.), David Hutchison, Spyros Denazis, Laurent Lefevre, Gary J. Minden (eds.)
·271 Pages
·13.347 MB

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Information Systems Today: Managing the Digital World

Joseph Valacich
·562 Pages
·64.834 MB

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Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Building Innovations: ICBI 2020

Volodymyr Onyshchenko (editor), Gulchohra Mammadova (editor), Svitlana Sivitska (editor), Akif Gasimov (editor)
·807 Pages
·21.413 MB

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Proceedings of the Second Conference on Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area

Conference on Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area (2nd : 1992 : Hayward, Calif.)
·620 Pages
·43.2 MB

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Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design: Third International Conference, FMCAD 2000 Austin, TX, USA, November 1–3, 2000 Proceedings

Robert Beers, Rajnish Ghughal, Mark Aagaard (auth.), Warren A. Hunt Jr., Steven D. Johnson (eds.)
·573 Pages
·5.43 MB

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Selected Readings on Information Design

Carla G. Spinillo
·204 Pages
·8.37 MB

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Architecture of Computing Systems: 35th International Conference, ARCS 2022, Heilbronn, Germany, September 13–15, 2022, Proceedings

Martin Schulz, Carsten Trinitis, Nikela Papadopoulou, Thilo Pionteck
·293 Pages
·19.427 MB

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