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State, Markets, and Just Growth: Development in the Twenty-First Century

Atul Kohli, Chung-In Moon, George Sorensen
·309 Pages
·2.55 MB

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Brazil 1964-1985: the military regims of Latin America in the cold war

Klein, Herbert S.;Luna, Francisco Vidal
·0.862 MB

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Bow ties in risk management : a concept book for process safety

CCPS in association with the Energy Institute
·215 Pages
·7.924 MB

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Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention

Victor R. Preedy
·1520 Pages
·15.94 MB

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Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View

Réka Benczes (Editor); Antonio Barcelona (Editor); Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez (Editor)
·292 Pages
·1.78 MB

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Why Family Income Differences Don't Explain the Racial Gap in SAT Scores

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
·0.25 MB

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Paving the Way: Maximizing the Value of Private Finance in Infrastructure

World Economic Forum in collaboration with PWC
·201 Pages
·3.885 MB

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Advances in the Control of Nonlinear Systems

Alfonso Banos, Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Francisco J. Montoya
·325 Pages
·4.769 MB

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Advances in Learning Classifier Systems: 4th International Workshop, IWLCS 2001 San Francisco, CA, USA, July 7–8, 2001 Revised Papers

Martin V. Butz (auth.), Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, Stewart W. Wilson (eds.)
·231 Pages
·3.254 MB

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Lógica, razón y humanismo. La obra filosófica de Francisco Miró Quesada C.: libro homenaje por sus 70 años

David Sobrevilla, Domingo García (eds.), Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias, Luis Felipe Alarco, Luis Piscoya, David Sobrevilla, Roberto Vernengo, Newton da Costa, José Ferrater Mora, Héctor Neri Castañeda, Alberto Cordero, Lorenzo Peña, Julio Sanza, Fernando Salmerón, Ernesto Garzón Valdés, Carlos Fernández Sessarego, Engenio Bulygin, Domingo García, Leopoldo Zea, María Luisa Rivara de Tuesta, Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla, Francisco Miró Quesada Rada (auts.)
·438 Pages
·78.647 MB

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