Top 482 foucault PDF Book Page 18

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Michel Foucault 1926-1984. Uma biografia por Didier Eribon.

Didier Eribon
·351 Pages
·55.7801 MB

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Fuori di sé. Poteri e soggettivazioni in Michel Foucault

Sandro Luce
·228 Pages
·2.606 MB

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Foucault: The Art of Ethics (Continuum Studies in Ethics)

Timothy O'Leary
·225 Pages
·11.45 MB

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Michel Foucault: L’homme et l’œuvre. Héritage et bilan critique

Héloïse Lhérété (editor)
·171 Pages
·31.695 MB

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Foucault in an Age of Terror: Essays on Biopolitics and the Defence of Society

Stephen Morton, Stephen Bygrave
·245 Pages
·1.108 MB

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The Epistemological Development of Education: Considering Bourdieu, Foucault and Dewey

Andrew Skourdoumbis, Scott Webster
·167 Pages
·1.28 MB

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The Power of Dialogue: Critical Hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault

Hans-Herbert Kögler
·322 Pages
·1.8559 MB

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Opacity and the Closet: Queer Tactics in Foucault, Barthes, and Warhol

Nicholas de Villiers
·244 Pages
·1.811 MB

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