Top 494 claude henri rocquet PDF Book Page 19

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Οὗ δῶρόν εἰμι τὰς γραφὰς βλέπων νόει: Mélanges Jean-Claude Cheynet

Béatrice Caseau (editor), Vivien Prigent (editor), Alessio Sopracasa (editor)
·467 Pages
·107.931 MB

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Beyond Bergson: Examining Race and Colonialism through the Writings of Henri Bergson

Andrea J. Pitts, Mark William Westmoreland (eds.)
·275 Pages
·1.498 MB

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Reveries of community: French epic in the age of Henri IV, 1572-1616

Maynard, Katherine S
·194 Pages
·2.856 MB

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Ad libros! Mélanges d’études médiévales offerts à Denis Angers et Josep-Claude Poulin

Réunis par Jean-François Cottier, Martin Gravel et Sébastien Rossignol
·50.2726 MB

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The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio

Jenny Pelletier, Magali Roques (eds.)
·457 Pages
·3.823 MB

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