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História da Filosofia - A Filosofia de Kant à Husserl Vol 3

François Châtelet
·300 Pages
·18.4082 MB

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康德哲学讲解(The Philosophy of Kant Explained)

(加)约翰·华特生(John Watson) 著;韦卓民 译
·413 Pages
·18.3878 MB

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Kant La Critica Del Juicio Teleologico Y La Corporalidad Del Sujeto

Rivera De Rosales Jacinto C
·162 Pages
·3.951 MB

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Θεωρίες της πολιτικής και του κράτους Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel

Ιδρυμα Σακη Καράγιωργα (μτφ, εισ. Μ.Αγγελίδης, Θ.Γκιούρας)
·467 Pages
·139.275 MB

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Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism: Mind, Matter, and the Life Sciences after Kant

Edgar Landgraf; Gabriel Trop; Leif Weatherby (editors)
·352 Pages
·1.916 MB

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