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Gut- Check: Your Prime Source for Bowel Health and Colon Cancer Prevention

Jeffrey M. Aron Harriette E. Aron
·140 Pages
·0.529 MB

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Atlas of Selective Sentinel Lymphadenectomy for Melanoma, Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer

Jan H. Wong MD (auth.), Stanley P. L. Leong (eds.)
·124 Pages
·8.619 MB

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Colon, Rectum and Anus: Anatomic, Physiologic and Diagnostic Bases for Disease Management

Carlo Ratto, Angelo Parello, Lorenza Donisi, Francesco Litta (eds.)
·368 Pages
·13.069 MB

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Comprender el Cáncer de Colon y Recto (El Medico En Casa (amat)) (Spanish Edition)

Teresa Macarulla & Elena Elez & Jaume Capdevila & Josep Tabernero
·1.2284 MB

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Intestinal Irrigation: Why, How and When to Flush the Colon by Alcinous B. Jamison

Jamison, Alcinous B. (Alcinous Burton), 1851-
·2.74 MB

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Keighley & Williams' Surgery of the Anus, Rectum and Colon, Fourth Edition: Two-volume set

Michael R.B. Keighley (Editor); Norman S. Williams (Editor)
·1621 Pages
·441.057 MB

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Analysis of glycoconjugates and morphological characterization of the descending colon and rectum of the plains viscacha, Lagostomus maximus

Mara Florencia Tano de la Hoz & Mirta Alicia Flamini & Enrique Leo Portiansky & Alcira Ofelia Daz
·1.1343 MB

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