Top 1200 brazil PDF Book Page 45

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Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 13th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2010, Natal, Brazil, November 8-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers

Michael Leuschel, Jens Bendisposto (auth.), Jim Davies, Leila Silva, Adenilso Simao (eds.)
·298 Pages
·5.436 MB

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String Processing and Information Retrieval: 10th International Symposium, SPIRE 2003, Manaus, Brazil, October 8-10, 2003. Proceedings

Krishna Bharat (auth.), Mario A. Nascimento, Edleno S. de Moura, Arlindo L. Oliveira (eds.)
·388 Pages
·5.46 MB

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Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation: 8th International Conference, ICA 2009, Paraty, Brazil, March 15-18, 2009, Proceedings

Tulay Adali, Christian Jutten, Joao Marcos Travassos Romano, Allan Kardec Barros
·793 Pages
·27.229 MB

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Growing Old in an Older Brazil: Implications of Population Aging on Growth, Poverty, Public Finance and Service Delivery

Michele Gragnolati, Ole Hagen Jorgensen, Romero Rocha, Anna Fruttero
·334 Pages
·1.559 MB

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Getting respect: Responding to stigma and discrimination in the United States, Brazil, and Israel

Lamont, Michèle;Moraes Silva, Graziella;Welburn, Jessica
·3.903 MB

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GETTING RESPECT: Responding to Stigma and Discrimination in the United States, Brazil, and Israel

Michèle Lamont (Author), Moraes Silva, Graziella (Author), Jessica Welburn (Author), Joshua Guetzkow (Author), Nissim Mizrachi (Author), Hannah Herzog (Author), Elisa Reis (Author)
·3.904 MB

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Assistance Benefits in Brazil: Changes and Challenges to the Exercise of a Constitutional Right

Marco Aurélio Serau Junior, José Ricardo Caetano Costa (eds.)
·190 Pages
·2.232 MB

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Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane in Brazil: From State Intervention to a Free Market

Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de Moraes, David Zilberman (auth.)
·225 Pages
·4.185 MB

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