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Setting the direction towards a system re-design

Alberta. Alberta Education
·5.1 MB

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Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE MAX

Phil Harkins, Keith Hollihan
·305 Pages
·1.145 MB

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Re-engineering the Enterprise: Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.7 Working Conference on Re-engineering the Enterprise, Galway, Ireland, 1995

Dipl.-Kfm. Markus Remme, Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer (auth.), Jim Browne, David O’Sullivan (eds.)
·344 Pages
·18.577 MB

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Designing for Re-Use: The Life of Consumer Packaging

Tom Fisher, Janet Shipton
·201 Pages
·10.732 MB

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Beauty and the Beast: an erotic re-imagining

Shoshanna Evers
·0.6734 MB

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Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure: Third Wiggers Bernard Conference — Cytokine Network

Stephen F. Lowry, Kimberly J. VanZee, Craig S. Rock, William A. Thompson (auth.), Prof. Günther Schlag M. D., Prof. Heinz Redl Ph. D., Prof. Daniel Traber Ph. D. (eds.)
·418 Pages
·20.399 MB

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Research and Education in Robotics - EUROBOT 2009: International Conference, La Ferté-Bernard, France, May 21-23, 2009, Revised Selected Papers

Kalman Babković, László Nagy, Damir Krklješ (auth.), Achim Gottscheber, David Obdržálek, Colin Schmidt (eds.)
·180 Pages
·5.878 MB

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