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Smart Card Research and Applications: Third International Conference, CARDIS’98, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 14-16, 1998. Proceedings

Eli Biham, Amichai Shulman (auth.), Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Bruce Schneier (eds.)
·389 Pages
·2.88 MB

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Computer Security — ESORICS 98: 5th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium September 16–18, 1998 Proceedings

Hervé Debar, Marc Dacier, Mehdi Nassehi, Andreas Wespi (auth.), Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Yves Deswarte, Catherine Meadows, Dieter Gollmann (eds.)
·394 Pages
·20.578 MB

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Static Analysis: First International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'94 Namur, Belgium, September 28–30, 1994 Proceedings

Thomas W. Getzinger (auth.), Baudouin Le Charlier (eds.)
·477 Pages
·6.995 MB

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Inductive Logic Programming: 19th International Conference, ILP 2009, Leuven, Belgium, July 02-04, 2009. Revised Papers

Kamal Ali, Kevin Leung, Tolga Konik, Dongkyu Choi (auth.), Luc De Raedt (eds.)
·267 Pages
·4.13 MB

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Knowledge Discovery and Emergent Complexity in Bioinformatics: First International Workshop, KDECB 2006, Ghent, Belgium, May 10, 2006. Revised Selected Papers

Ronald Westra, Karl Tuyls, Yvan Saeys (auth.), Karl Tuyls, Ronald Westra, Yvan Saeys, Ann Nowé (eds.)
·191 Pages
·2.538 MB

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Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design: 8th International Workshop, TAMODIA 2009, Brussels, Belgium, September 23-25, 2009, Revised Selected Papers

Kenia Sousa, Hildeberto Mendonça, Jean Vanderdonckt (auth.), David England, Philippe Palanque, Jean Vanderdonckt, Peter J. Wild (eds.)
·171 Pages
·5.425 MB

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Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing: 6th International Conference, NOLISP 2013, Mons, Belgium, June 19-21, 2013. Proceedings

John Kane, Christer Gobl (auth.), Thomas Drugman, Thierry Dutoit (eds.)
·225 Pages
·6.405 MB

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Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 12th International Conference, DEON 2014, Ghent, Belgium, July 12-15, 2014. Proceedings

Fabrizio Cariani, Davide Grossi, Joke Meheus, Xavier Parent (eds.)
·285 Pages
·3.427 MB

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Towards a Service-Based Internet: Third European Conference, ServiceWave 2010, Ghent, Belgium, December 13-15, 2010. Proceedings

Danilo Ardagna, Carlo Ghezzi, Barbara Panicucci, Marco Trubian (auth.), Elisabetta Di Nitto, Ramin Yahyapour (eds.)
·254 Pages
·7.502 MB

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