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People-Centred Businesses: Co-operatives, Mutuals and the Idea of Membership

Johnston Birchall (auth.)
·236 Pages
·0.826 MB

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The UK and the Eurozone Michael Artis, EUI and CEPR

Rachel Bedford
·33 Pages
·0.14 MB

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Co-production in the Public Sector: Experiences and Challenges

Mariagrazia Fugini, Enrico Bracci, Mariafrancesca Sicilia (eds.)
·142 Pages
·2.056 MB

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DTIC ADA562009: Co@CoO@Au Core-Multi-Shell Nanocrystals

Defense Technical Information Center
·0.59 MB

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Ausflug ins äußere Sonnensystem : Trojaner, Puck und Co.

Michael Moltenbrey
·254 Pages
·11.395 MB

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Living with Co-Occurring Addiction and Mental Health Disorders

Mark McGovern, Scott Edelstein, Dartmouth Medical School
·187 Pages
·24.938 MB

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Why the UK Voted for Brexit: David Cameron's Great Miscalculation

Andrew Glencross (auth.)
·91 Pages
·3.759 MB

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