Top 1200 assoc professor bent langfeldt md PDF Book Page 46

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Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems: Third International Workshop, FAABS 2004, Greenbelt, MD, April 26-27, 2004, Revised Selected Papers

Maxim D. Peysakhov, Vincent A. Cicirello, William C. Regli (auth.), Michael G. Hinchey, James L. Rash, Walter F. Truszkowski, Christopher A. Rouff (eds.)
·305 Pages
·8.17 MB

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Indology and law : studies in honour of Professor J. Duncan M. Derrett

Parameswara Kota Aithal; John Duncan Martin Derrett; Günther-Dietz Sontheimer
·475 Pages
·36.761 MB

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Besteuerung, Rechnungslegung und Prufung der Unternehmen: Festschrift fur Professor Dr. Norbert Krawitz

Hubertus Baumhoff, Reinhard Ducker, Stefan Kohler
·898 Pages
·4.705 MB

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Pauline Studies. Essays presented to Professor F.F. Bruce on his 70th birthday

Donald A. Hagner, Murray J. Harris (eds.)
·335 Pages
·7.17 MB

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Liber amicorum Professor Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern in honour of his 80th birthday

Gerhard Hafner; Gerhard Loibl; Alfred Rest; Lilly Sucharipa-Behrmann; Karl Zemanek
·117 Pages
·5.324 MB

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Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Risk: In Honor of Professor Moshe Shaked

Moshe Shaked, Miguel A. Sordo, Alfonso Suárez-Llorens (auth.), Haijun Li, Xiaohu Li (eds.)
·458 Pages
·4.995 MB

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Society and ideology in India : essays in honour of professor R.S. Sharma

Ram Sharan Sharma; Dwijendra Narayan Jha
·464 Pages
·67.532 MB

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A Journey through Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategy Research: A Tribute to Professor Gianluca Spina

Emilio Bartezzaghi, Raffaella Cagliano, Federico Caniato, Stefano Ronchi (eds.)
·246 Pages
·22.849 MB

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Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction: Third International Workshop, MLMI 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA, May 1-4, 2006, Revised Selected Papers

Parisa Eslambolchilar, Roderick Murray-Smith (auth.), Steve Renals, Samy Bengio, Jonathan G. Fiscus (eds.)
·481 Pages
·7.039 MB

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Medieval India, problems and possibilities : essays in honour of professor A.R. Kulkarni

Radhika Seshan; ; A Rā Kulakarṇī
·316 Pages
·35.7 MB

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