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Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger: A Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396–1427

Johannes Schiltberger, Philip Brunn (editor), J. Buchan Telfer (translator)
·314 Pages
·7.688 MB

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Melodrammi e arie

Pietro Metastasio, a cura di Gianfranca Lavezzi
·1.025 MB

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Poesie e tragedie

Alessandro Manzoni, a cura di Valter Boggione
·2.794 MB

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Atene e Gerusalemme

Lev Sestov, a cura di Alessandro Paris
·1262 Pages
·17.658 MB

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Diritti e poteri

Michelangelo Bovero, Valentina Pazé (a cura di)
·0.575 MB

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E se fosse a gente?

Becky Albertalli, Adam Silvera
·327 Pages
·5.4899 MB

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E Se Fosse A Gente?

Bercky Albertalli; Adam Silvera
·335 Pages
·3.4134 MB

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Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: Race and Natural History, 1750–1850

Nicolaas Rupke (editor), Gerhard Lauer (editor)
·280 Pages
·10.496 MB

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Polish Style in the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach

Paczkowski, Szymon
·11.8498 MB

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Johann Michael Wansleben's Travels in the Levant, 1671–1674

Hamilton Alastair
·551 Pages
·5.792 MB

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Os Jogos e os Homens. A Máscara e a Vertigem

Roger Caillois
·272 Pages
·2.147 MB

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E Se Fosse A Gente?

Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera
·3.5267 MB

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Voltaire: Religione e politica

Lorenzo Bianchi, Albero Postigliola (a cura di)
·156 Pages
·7.941 MB

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Leben und Tod des Königs Johann by William Shakespeare

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
·0.13 MB

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Der »Kunschtmeyer«: Johann Heinrich Meyer: Freund und Orakel Goethes

Jochen Klauß (auth.)
·364 Pages
·41.417 MB

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Towards the E-Society: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government

K. Lenz, A. Oberweis, S. Schneider (auth.), Beat Schmid, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Volker Tschammer (eds.)
·826 Pages
·13.826 MB

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Sesso e apocalisse a Istanbul

Giuseppe Conte
·0.9602 MB

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Operations Management nella Produzione e nei Servizi

R.B. Chase, F.R.Jacobs, N.J. Aquilano, A. Grando, A. Sianesi
·546 Pages
·144.26 MB

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