Top 1200 1909 1988 PDF Book Page 48

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Innovative Informations-Infrastrukturen: Ergebnisse einer Kooperation der Universität des Saarlandes und der Siemens AG I.I.I. - Forum, Saarbrücken, 12.–13. Oktober 1988 Proceedings

Alwine Schmitt, Bernhard Gollan, Hans-Wolfgang Neumann (auth.), Bernhard Gollan, Wolfgang J. Paul, Alwine Schmitt (eds.)
·298 Pages
·10.935 MB

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Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics: Proceedings of the Third ESO-CERN Symposium, Held in Bologna, Palazzo Re Enzo, May 16–20, 1988

Abdus Salam (auth.), Michele Caffo, Roberto Fanti, Giorgio Giacomelli, Alvio Renzini (eds.)
·498 Pages
·21.049 MB

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Solar and Stellar Flares: Proceedings of the 104th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Stanford, California, August 15–19, 1988

Bernhard M. Haisch, Marcello Rodonò (auth.), Bernhard M. Haisch, Marcello Rodonò (eds.)
·501 Pages
·19.042 MB

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Aspects of Many-Body Effects in Molecules and Extended Systems: Proceedings of the Workshop-Cum-Symposium Held in Calcutta, February 1–10, 1988

R. Chowdhuri, D. Mukherjee, M. Durga Prasad (auth.), D. Mukherjee (eds.)
·550 Pages
·18.283 MB

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Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters: Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters University Aix-Marseille III Aix-en-Provence, France, 5–9 July 1988

K. M. McHugh, H. W. Sarkas, J. G. Eaton, C. R. Westgate, K. H. Bowen (auth.), Dr. Claude Chapon, Professor Dr. Marcel F. Gillet, Dr. Claude R. Henry (eds.)
·554 Pages
·23.354 MB

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1988年诺贝尔文学奖获得者 纳吉布·马哈福兹短篇小说选萃

(埃及)纳吉布·马哈福兹著 葛铁鹰等译
·11.3734 MB

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The role of legumes in the farming systems of the Mediterranean areas : proceedings of a Workshop on the Role of Legumes in the Farming Systems of the Mediterranean Areas, UNDP/ICARDA, Tunis, June 20-24, 1988

A E Osman, M H Ibrahim, M A Jones, United Nations Development Programme., International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
·301 Pages
·40.57 MB

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