Top 1200 1909 1988 PDF Book Page 42

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Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers: Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Freiburg, F.R.G. 17–18 October 1988

R. H. Partridge, I. H. Curtis (auth.), R. Grisar, G. Schmidtke, M. Tacke, G. Restelli (eds.)
·307 Pages
·12.847 MB

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Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis in the USA: Final Report of the National CAPD Registry 1981–1988

Anne S. Lindblad MS, Joel W. Novak MS, Karl D. Nolph MD (auth.), Anne S. Lindblad MS, Joel W. Novak MS, Karl D. Nolph MD (eds.)
·292 Pages
·7.91 MB

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Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe: Proceeding of an International Meeting Held in Trieste, Italy, April 6–9, 1988

Margaret J. Geller, John P. Huchra (auth.), M. Mezzetti, G. Giuricin, F. Mardirossian, M. Ramella (eds.)
·488 Pages
·18.625 MB

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Berner Täuferturn und Reformation im Dialog. Eine Ausstellung zum 450jährigen Jubiläum der Täuferdisputation in Bern 1538-1988

Ulrich J. Gerber, Hans Rudolf Lavater, François de Capitani
·58 Pages
·13.665 MB

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Programming Languages Implementation and Logic Programming: International Workshop PLILP '88 Orléans, France, May 16–18, 1988 Proceedings

Gary Lindstrom (auth.), P. Deransart, B. Lorho, J. Małuszyński (eds.)
·304 Pages
·6.377 MB

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VDM '88 VDM — The Way Ahead: 2nd VDM-Europe Symposium Dublin, Ireland, September 11–16, 1988 Proceedings

Donald I. Good (auth.), Robin E. Bloomfield, Lynn S. Marshall, Roger B. Jones (eds.)
·507 Pages
·14.373 MB

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Allokationseffizienz in der Rechtsordnung: Beiträge zum Travemünder Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse des Zivilrechts, 23.–26. März 1988

Hans-Bernd Schäfer (auth.), Prof. Dr. jur. Claus Ott, Prof. Dr. disc. oec. Hans-Bernd Schäfer (eds.)
·318 Pages
·8.18 MB

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Opera omnia. Il periodo trentino: verso la fondazione de "La lotta di classe" (6 febbraio 1909 - 8 gennaio 1910)

Benito Mussolini, a cura di Edoardo e Duilio Susmel
·350 Pages
·4.798 MB

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