Top 399 1838 1875 PDF Book Page 15

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Über die Anziehung homogener Ellipsoide : Abhandlungen von Laplace (1782), Ivory (1809), Gauß (1813), Chasles (1838) und Dirichlet (1839)

Pierre-Simon Laplace, James Ivory, Carl Friedrich Gauß, Michel Chasles, Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, Albert Wangerin (ed.)
·118 Pages
·2.669 MB

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This barren rock: 1875 a true tale of shipwreck and survival in the southern seas

Wordsworth, Fanny;Wordsworth, Charlie;Haisman, Sylvie
·3.871 MB

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资本的年代:1848~1875 (霍布斯鲍姆年代四部曲)

[英]艾瑞克•霍布斯鲍姆 [[英]艾瑞克•霍布斯鲍姆] & [[英]艾瑞克•霍布斯鲍姆 [[英]艾瑞克•霍布斯鲍姆] &&]
·1.1494 MB

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