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Geniki Pedagogiki ke Didaktiki pros chrisin ton didaskalion ekaterou ton filon[1880, 1st edition]

G. A. Lindneros (Gustav Adolf Lindner), CHristos Papadopoulos (metafrasi)
·284 Pages
·105.029 MB

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No Wealth but Life: Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Britain, 1880-1945

Roger E. Backhouse, Tamotsu Nishizawa
·257 Pages
·2.11 MB

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Historia de la Educación en Chile (1810 - 2010): Tomo II. La educación nacional (1880-1930)

Macarena Ponce de Léon; Francisca Rengifo; Sol Serrano
·11.85 MB

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