Top 441 1792 1879 PDF Book Page 15

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Architecture and the historical imagination : Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, 1814-1879

Bressani, Martin; Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel
·36.89 MB

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From Frege to Godel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931

Jean Van Heijenoort (editor)
·671 Pages
·14.685 MB

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Liebstes bestes Clärchen!: Briefe von Goethes Nichte Lulu Schlosser aus Karlsruhe 1792–1794

Georg Richter (auth.), Georg Richter (eds.)
·206 Pages
·11.563 MB

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Armies of the War of the Pacific 1879-83: Chile, Peru & Bolivia

Gabriele Esposito, Giuseppe Rava
·52 Pages
·4.342 MB

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Mosén Joan Melet i Serra (1879-1958), un misionero catalán en Chile

Manuel Riu; Tencha Melet; Gabriel Ormeño y Melet
·84 Pages
·2.483 MB

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Maria von Blucher's Corpus Christi: Letters from the South Texas Frontier, 1849-1879

Maria von Blucher, Bruce S. Cheeseman, Thomas H. Kreneck
·315 Pages
·3.529 MB

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