Top 935 1789 1840 PDF Book Page 5

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Jewish Representation in British Literature 1780–1840: After Shylock

Michael Scrivener (auth.)
·270 Pages
·3.632 MB

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Tocqueville on America After 1840: Letters and Other Writings

Alexis de Tocqueville; Aurelian Craiutu; Jeremy Jennings
·578 Pages
·3.628 MB

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Het rusteloze bestaan van dokter Petrus Camper (1722-1789)

J. K. van der Korst (auth.)
·283 Pages
·1.413 MB

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Refugees of the French Revolution: Émigrés in London, 1789–1802

Kirsty Carpenter (auth.)
·287 Pages
·2.391 MB

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The Senate 1789-1989, Volume 3: Classic Speeches 1830-1993

Robert C. Byrd
·822 Pages
·44.3 MB

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Imperial Chinese Armies 1840–1911

Philip Jowett; Gerry Embleton(Illustrations)
·52 Pages
·40.876 MB

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Een spannend weekje [Intiem 1840]

Kimberly Lang
·0.8899 MB

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Русская литература в 1840 году

Белинский В.Г.
·25 Pages
·0.423 MB

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Imperial Chinese Armies 1840–1911

Philip S. Jowett
·52 Pages
·40.888 MB

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Cooking in America, 1590-1840

Trudy Eden
·185 Pages
·5.27 MB

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Русская фантастическая проза эпохи романтизма (1820-1840 гг.)

Сост., подгот. текста и коммент. М. Н. Виролайнен и др.; Вступ. ст. В. М. Марковича; Худож. Л. И. Блинова
·681 Pages
·12.91 MB

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Witchcraft and Demonology in South-West England, 1640–1789

Jonathan Barry (auth.)
·384 Pages
·2.573 MB

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The Two-Tiered Structure of the Judiciary Act of 1789

Akhil Reed Amar
·70 Pages
·1.5 MB

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Vor der Revolution geflohen: Exil im literarischen Diskurs nach 1789

Regina Köthe (auth.)
·256 Pages
·6.649 MB

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Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars 1789-1802

By Philip Haythornthwaite and Christopher Warner
·155 Pages
·70.85 MB

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Europe 1450 to 1789: encyclopedia of the early modern world

Jonathan, Editor Dewald
·337 Pages
·17.827 MB

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Editing Women’s Writing, 1670–1840

Amy Culley, Anna M. Fitzer
·215 Pages
·1.998 MB

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