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Diario del viaje y misión al Río del Sauce realizado en 1748

José Cardiel; Guillermo Fúrlong Cárdiff; Felix Faustino Outes
·330 Pages
·35.642 MB

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The Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg, Vol. 10: June 1673-April 1674, Letters 2241-2489

Henry Oldenburg, A.Rupert Hall, Marie Boas Hall
·312 Pages
·11.739 MB

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The Travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672 to 1674

Sir Richard Burn, Sir Charles Fawcett
·2.261 MB

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Que com seu trabalho nos sustenta: as cartas de alforria de Porto Alegre (1748-1888) - Escravidão negra no Brasil

Paulo Roberto Staudt Moreira, Tatiani de Souza Tassoni
·257 Pages
·116.977 MB

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Abhandlungen über jene Grundsätze der Mechanik, die Integrale der Differentialgleichungen liefern von Isaac Newton (1687), Daniel Bernoulli (1745) und (1748) und Patrick d'Arcy (1747)

Isaac Newton, Daniel Bernoulli, Patricj d'Arcy, Arthur von Oettingen (transl.), Philip Edward Bertrand Jourdain (ed.)
·111 Pages
·2.564 MB

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